Irene is the first significant storm of the year and the Weather Channel is making the most of it. I'm right here, aren't I? I mean, the weather channel has nothing to do most of the year, right? Warm front here, cold front there, highs, lows, rain, sun. Yawwwwnnnnnnn! But buddy let a hurricane crank up out in the atlantic and they are all over it like a fat kid on a piece of cake.
Update!!! (dramatic music) A guy in a flack jacket comes on screen. He stands in front of a bush (leaves blowing in the wind make for good footage). If there is no wind, he's not above getting one of the boys from the truck to turn on a big fan. Maybe toss a few palm fronds up in the air and let them whiz by the camera. No, I don't know that for sure, but you know they're thinking it! I mean they want it to be bad so badly!
And talk about your superlatives! They sling around shock words like confetti on New Year's Eve! It's not a category 3 storm... It's a category 3 MONSTER. And it's not "moving" across the Bahamas... it's SLASHING across the Bahamas. Their producers must grade them on how many alarming adjectives and nouns they can cram into one sentence. Like:
"This category 3 "BEHEMOTH" is "PACKING" 115 mph winds and will "SLAM" into the coast tonight, "WREAKING HAVOC" on the southeast portion of the state!! In other words, "Run for your lives! We're all going to die!"
TOM!! So you haven't forgotten about your blog!! This is hilarious. I laughed out loud.
Thanks Raz! Someone actually reads this blog! We have a winner!
You're not alone, either: http://arathershortgirl.blogspot.com/2011/08/new-england-weather-gets-x-treme.html
Glad I checked in man! Good stuff as always. Keep em coming!
Very well put description of those weather people. I noticed that a few years ago when they started inserting the alarmist language almost at every opportunity they could. The trouble is evry once in 4 times they are almost accurate. I mean how much IQ does it take to watch the normal to & fro of weather ???
comes from the west & moves either east, se, or ne??
So I'm definitely on board with calling them out over the hype.
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